About Steve Bromley

gamesuserresearch.com runs impactful qualitative and quantitative research, provides games user research training, and playtesting & user research consulting to some of the world’s top game companies. It’s led by Steve Bromley, a recognised leader in the games user research community.

About Steve Bromley

Steve is a games user research consultant, helping teams use player insight to create successful games.

He works with publishers, platforms and studios of all sizes to transform their game development process, and build product strategies that combines player data with creativity. He work from ideation to post-launch in order to de-risk game development, and make games players love.

Prior to this he was a senior user researcher for PlayStation and worked on many of their top European titles, including Horizon Zero Dawn, SingStar, the LittleBigPlanet series and the PlayStation VR lineup.

Steve Bromley started the Games User Research mentoring scheme, which has linked hundreds of students with industry professionals from top games companies such as Sony, EA, Valve, Ubisoft and Microsoft. He wrote the bestselling book How To Be A Games User Researcher to share the expertise needed to work in the games industry.

He is regularly speak at games industry conferences and on podcasts about games user research + playtesting, and has been recognised as a member of BAFTA.

He also wrote the bestselling book Building User Research Teams, and helps teams build impactful research practice in-house.

He has lead research studies for many titles, including:Some games under NDANDA list twoBigFest, Horizon Zero Dawn, Invizimals, LittleBigPlanetMurasaki Baby, No Mans Sky, PS Vita Pets, Playstation VR Worlds Resogun, Rigs, Rush of Blood, SingStar That's You, Wonderbook

Other released titles I supported user research for include:

Driveclub, Infamous, LittleBigPlanet Playroom, Pupeteer, Ratchet and Clank Rime, Sly Cooper, Smart As, Soul Sacrifice, Tearaway, Unfinished Swan, Wonderbook Diggs Nightcrawler


He continues to work under NDA with AAA, AA and indie studios on PC, Mobile and Console games.