
Every month I write expert level articles on how to run professional quality playtests and start a career in games user research.

Learn topics such as how to write a playtest survey, how to find playtesters for your playtest, and how to get user research experience before you have a job

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How to run unbiased player interviews

How to run unbiased player interviews

Every stage of preparing, running and analysing your playtest interviews. Plus tips on how to reveal player’s honest thoughts, and apply that to game design decisions.

Run Internal Playtests

Run better internal playtests

Run tighter, more useful internal playtests and make the most of your colleague’s time.

Learn ways to run pop up playtests for games user research

How to run pop-up playtests

Pop-up or guerrilla UX research require a careful balance of accuracy and speed. Here’s how to avoid some common traps and make the most of it.

Learn the best ways to find playtesters for games user research studies

How to find playtesters

Learn how and where to find good quality playtesters for games user research

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