
Every month I write expert level articles on how to run professional quality playtests and start a career in games user research.

Learn topics such as how to write a playtest survey, how to find playtesters for your playtest, and how to get user research experience before you have a job

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Managing Stakeholders

Managing stakeholders to increase research impact

Low impact studies are often rooted in misaligned teams.

Test A Game With Kids

How to test games with kids

Practical guidance on how to get high quality data from your playtests with children. 

How much to playtest

How much playtesting is enough?

When to start (and stop) playtesting throughout game development.

Scope Studies For Impact

Scope your studies to increase research impact

How to scope games user research studies for impact – uncovering the context for decision making, and setting sensible objectives.

budget for games user research

How to budget for games user research

How much does user research cost, what to budget for user research, and how best to spend the budget you have to de-risk game development.

will players buy my game?

Discover if players will buy your game

For most studios selling games is important. Learn if your game will sell, from before you’ve written a single line of code.

How to Analyze Playtest Data

What does analysing playtest data look like? I analyse and report on a single playtest question, using data from a real game test.

Define Your Players

Understanding and thinking about ‘who actually will play my game’ gives valuable focus to your development priorities.

Game Dev for user researchers

Game development for new games user researchers

Understand game development, and how user researchers interact with their industry peers, and be more likely to pass the interview. 

How to run unbiased player interviews

How to run unbiased player interviews

Every stage of preparing, running and analysing your playtest interviews. Plus tips on how to reveal player’s honest thoughts, and apply that to game design decisions.

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