Discover if players will buy your game
For most studios selling games is important. Learn if your game will sell, from before you’ve written a single line of code.
Every month I write expert level articles on how to run professional quality playtests and start a career in games user research.
Learn topics such as how to write a playtest survey, how to find playtesters for your playtest, and how to get user research experience before you have a job
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For most studios selling games is important. Learn if your game will sell, from before you’ve written a single line of code.
NEXON’s Games UX Analysis Team introduce their work, and their recent translation of How To Be A Games User Researcher
That’s just like, your opinion, man
What does analysing playtest data look like? I analyse and report on a single playtest question, using data from a real game test.
Understanding and thinking about ‘who actually will play my game’ gives valuable focus to your development priorities.
Understand game development, and how user researchers interact with their industry peers, and be more likely to pass the interview.
Every stage of preparing, running and analysing your playtest interviews. Plus tips on how to reveal player’s honest thoughts, and apply that to game design decisions.
Cole Davis covers how he got his first game credit, while preparing to enter the games industry.
Run tighter, more useful internal playtests and make the most of your colleague’s time.
Pick the right online playtest platform for your needs
You’ve got the interview for the games studio of your dreams. Learn what you will be asked, and how to answer games user research interview questions.
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